For her fifth birthday a few years back, Noelle's very caring and special Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Nass, gave her what quickly became her favorite book: The Ticky-Tacky Doll. It's a child's book about a little girl's close relationship with her little handmade doll. Noelle must have read the book a hundred times. She's eight now, and living in Guam, but recently The Ticky-Tacky Doll re-surfaced from among the other books we brought to Guam, and Noelle went back to it like a long lost friend; only now she's become convinced she needs her own ticky-tacky doll. Mom wasn't exactly sure how to make one, and we didn't bring enough material, but Noelle persisted. Enter Carolyn Reese. Getting ready for the beach one day, she heard about Noelle's dilemma. After a quick glance at the famous Ticky-Tacky book, she and Noelle started to work. This time tomorrow, the cloth should come to life.
So we've found some wonderful surprises this summer in the presence of three new friends, come to volunteer their knowledge and skills with PIBC. Much to our surprise, these people have also been a great blessing to us.
By the way, if you have the master's degree qualifications required to come and teach short-term, let us know. We don't just need Bible teachers, but science, English, computer, history and other teachers as well. Your presence is sure to be a blessing!
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